Artists@Work: Bodies of Labour
Photo-ground by Miklos Legrady from video by Hri Neil |
ARTIFACTS (Pam Patterson & Leena Raudvee)
Window Box Gallery @ Gallery 1313
1313 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON.
Feb 17 – April 30, 2022
ARTIFACTS (Pam Patterson & Leena Raudvee) continue with their series Artists@Work within the context of, and by foregrounding the practices of, disability artists. The layering of time, histories, bodies, and conversations become significant here. Decades of collaboration and the assistance of others are significant: Natalie Piper designed the “work” logo, Hri Neil made a video of ARTIFACTS in performance, and Miklos Legrady captured multiple stills from this video to create a complex photo-ground. The intent here in Bodies of Labour is to repurpose all this collective effort as legitimate labour.
Objects representative of ARTIFACTS’ tasks, installed in front of the ground, provide placeholders for the bodies of Raudvee and Patterson. The objects become figures central to, rather than illustrative of or adjunct to, the narrative. The objects hung seemingly “straight”, perform askew, counter to the norm: the broomstick becomes a support aid, the dustpan refuses to hold that which it collects… and in doing so the installation explicitly references so much about Patterson & Raudvee's resilience as disability artists.
Thanks to the Ontario Arts Council for their generous support for the work of disability artists.