
Showing posts from October, 2013

Babble (Babel) Public Performance Event, Hart House, University of Toronto Feb 8-10, 2014

Artists:  ARTIFACTS (Pam Patterson & Leena Raudvee), Margaret Dragu, Christine Brault. Event Guest Blogger & Writer:  Winnipeg media artist, academic and educator Joanna Black Blogger site: Documentation Websites: For Nov: For Feb: For map and directions to Hart House: maps-directions/ Accessibility entrance to Hart House off of Tower Road from Hoskin Avenue. Elevator provides access from 1st to 3rd floor. Performances are on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. Lost ? Check in with the HUB at Hart House entrance and they will direc

Joint Exhibition Openings

In speaking to art and design education, one tends to reference curriculum, the students taught, the educational contexts, and teachers’ pedagogy; but what about our own unique experiences of, and affective, experiential and aesthetic responses to teaching and learning? Our process as artists inextricably intertwines art making and multileveled learning. We are responsive to and responsible for our own personal and project development and their realization. As art and design educators we reflect on our teaching moments and in doing so inform our art practice; this is a reciprocal and complex relationship. Two concurrent exhibitions at OCAD University and at OISE, University of Toronto strategically and evocatively map artist-teachers learning as process, as evocation and as provocation. Artists Teaching //Learning Zone, 122 St Patrick Street, OCAD University Opening Oct 30 th 12 - 2.30pm ǀ Artists Talk: 1pm ǀ Runs to Nov 29 Graduates of OCADU’s Art and Design Education L