2008-2009 Programming

2008-09 Women in Action/projects (Programming at various sites)

Special Events:
Dec. 2008: A Celebration of Ayanna Black’s life and work with a reading from the author.


October 2008 Mary Wright, Centre for Women’s Studies in Education, OISE, UT. (Workshop & seminar) Searching for Me asks: "What is colonization? How does one experience it, get past it, and take control of one's own life? The workshop asks participants to explore intersecting violence and race as a personal narrative.

Seminars, Lectures:
Dec. 2008 Jo SiMalaya Alcampo, Brown Bag Lecture: What Happens When A Community Worker Goes to Art School.

Feb. 2009 Leaky Categories: Creative Research in Walking the Table: Dramatic Teaching & gender/Troubling Pam Patterson lunch time open seminar/discussion on research, CWSE, OISE/UT.

Slip-slide & play by Pam Patterson, a response to Davis Serlin for OCAD: Disability, Conformity and Normalcy

Oct. 2008 Video screenings and discussion of Sexxy, Want by Loree Erickson & The Making of a Hybrid Male, Contact/Border: A Brief Lesson in History, Naming/Claiming: A Brief Journey Through Memory Space by Spy Dénommé-Welch, CWSE, OISE/UT. (Curator: Leena Raudvee)


Nov. 2008 gender/Troubling Curated by Pam Patterson (with Leena Raudvee and Serena Lee) with work by students at Ontario College of Art and Design (Jo SiMalaya Alcampo, Alex Hazisavvas, Frances Mahon), with a performance by Claudia Wittmann, and work by Shiftchange (presented by AGO Youth Council) at XPACE Cultural Centre, Toronto. (Includes screenings of Sexxy, Want by Loree Erickson & The Making of a Hybrid Male, Contact/Border: A Brief Lesson in History, Naming/Claiming: A Brief Journey Through Memory Space by Spy Dénommé-Welch) and panel discussion.

March 2009 Headaches2 exhibition by ARTIFACTS with opening night performance at CWSE, OISE/UT. Screening of Woman Abuse Affects Our Children with Paula Bourne & presentation of Moving Research About Addressing the Impact of Violence on Learning into Practice with Sheila Stewart & also with Lorena Gajardo & Margaly San Martin. Artszone, University of Toronto event.

May 2009 Celebrating Elders, body casts/narratives of/by women over 55, by Peta Hall. (Curated by Pam Patterson)

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