About WIAprojects

WIAprojects is a multi-faceted feminist arts-informed research and practice program conceived Sept. 2005 at the Centre for Women’s Studies in Education (CWSE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto. In January 2008, the program established itself independently of, but still associated with and housed at, the CWSE/OISE and in May 2008 formed as a collective. In 2019, we moved to Gallery 1313, 1313 Queen Street West, Toronto where we now curate the Window Box Gallery. We continue to provide women/trans/queer-centered, praxis-focussed events, workshops, exhibitions, research support and outreach to women, men and trans people working in the arts, education, and in community and social services.

WIAprojects provides spaces for various practices and politics. A range of past projects -- exhibitions, workshops, and performances -- include: "gender/Troubling", an exhibit at XPACE, Toronto; Heather Hicks’ exhibit/artist talk: "I am a girl...." which explored violence against women and 2SLGBTQ communities; "The Performed Ethnographers" seminar on HIV/aids initiatives for youth; Vicky Moufawad-Paul’s exhibit/publication "Narrating an Anti-Colonial Feminism"; Nancy Halifax’s exhibit and event "A Day in the Life: URGENT" by/with Toronto homeless; and Beryl Tsang’s tit knitting DIY workshop, "Titbits".  WIAprojects also publishes exhibition catalogues and arts-based research monographs. 

Our process is collective: sharing duties, responsibilities, the conceptualization of the theme, and the choice of artists. As Director, Pam Patterson takes the lead in program and project overview, direction, and funding, and in facilitating the working collective in process.

  • WIAprojects
  • 264 Bloor Street West, PO Box 22588, Toronto, ON, M5S 1V8. info@wiaprojects.com

  • Director: Pam Patterson -  PamPatterson@wiaprojects.com
  • Associate Director: Leena Raudvee - LRaudvee@gmail.com 
  • Curatorial/Artist/Research Residents: 
  • Curators-in-Residence, Window Box Gallery, Gallery 1313 (2024-2025) Mason Smart & Alejandra Mendoza
  • Curators-in-Residence, Window Box Gallery, Gallery 1313 (2022-2023): Cecily Ou & Ella Taylor.  
  • Joanna Black (Senior Artist/Researcher Fellow in Residence 2018-2020) Joanna.Black@umanitoba.ca.
  • Julia Pereira (Curator-in-Residence 2016 & Publication Designer 2016-18 and Curator, Carpos Collective 2018-2019). 
  • Candace Wilkins (Community-based Researcher-in-Residence). 
  • International Visiting Artist/Scholar (2017-18): Nuray Akkol, Turkey.
  • Curator/Events Co-ordinator-in-Residence (2013/14): Pailagi Pandya

  • Advisors: 
  • Leena Raudvee (artist)
  • Pam Patterson  (artist/curator/educator/writer/administrator)
  • Elaine Stewart (artist)
  • Adrienne Reynolds (artist/curator)
  • Trisha Lamie (artist/curator) 
  • Frieda Forman & Paula Bourne (researchers -- formerly CWSE, OISE)
  • Joanna Black (artist/researcher/curator)
  • Phil Anderson (artist/curator/writer -- Director, Gallery 1313)
Working Collective (2023-2025):
Pam Patterson
Roman Romanov
Lauchlin MacQuarrie
Mason Smart
Alejandra Mendoza
Phil Anderson
John Oughton


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